Monday, July 07, 2008

Good Neighbor

To the neighbors with the incessantly barking dog:

I'm very sorry that I yelled "SHUT UP" out the window tonight, but, wouldn't you know it, two year olds have a really hard time going to sleep when your dog is outside barking from 7-10 PM.

You know what? I take that back. I'm not sorry. It was awesome. I really enjoyed it. And you apparently got the message, too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good job Greg!!!

7:36 AM  
Blogger LeftyMama said...

Could you come to my house and do that, too? Our next door neighbor has 6 yip-yap dogs that bark like maniacs every night and any time that they're outside when we dare to venture into our own yard. I'm an animal lover, but I confess, I fantasize about doing diabolical things to those creatures.... Grrr.

The neighbors on the other side of the house probably aren't our biggest fans, either, since I kindly requested that they STOP MOWING AT 9PM, PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD, THE BABY JUST STARTED SLEEPING AND I CAN'T TAKE ANOTHER NIGHT OF ENDLESS SCREAMING!!!!

3:26 PM  
Blogger Schoonvelds said...

Sadly, I started counting down the neighbor's dog's lifespan shortly after we moved in. Incessant barking that echos nicely off the garage floor can still be heard in the neighboring houses. I want to know how the owners are blocking this out and able to sleep!

9:09 AM  

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